
Sentencia del TC que favorece al gran tenedor

El Tribunal Constitucional ha declarado nula la obligación del “gran tenedor” de tener acreditar que la persona a desahuciar es o no especialmente vulnerable. ¿Qué consecuencias tiene esto? ¡Te lo explicamos!
February 2025

Real state of Real Estate – The importance of the due diligence

In Spain, it is possible to purchase a property occupied by individuals other than the seller, as well as properties with recognized usufruct rights, rented properties, or those in co-ownership, as long as there is a title, a sales contract, and effective delivery of the property. However, these circumstances may lower the purchase price and complicate possession, so it is advisable to conduct due diligence and consult a specialized lawyer to understand the property's actual state.
January 2025


New regulation in Spain will eliminate golden visas, what can you do?
January 2025

New office!

We are delighted to show you our new office. Come and see!
January 2025

¿Cómo se actualiza la renta de los alquileres a partir de enero de 2025?

En este nuevo post os contamos cómo y cuánto se puede subir la renta del alquiler a partir de enero de 2025.
January 2025

The lawyer’s role in Real Estate Sales

Have you ever wonder which is the the role of a lawyer in Real Estate sales? Find out the answer on this new entrance of our blog.
María De Lucchi Palomares
October 2024

Collecting a retirement pension in Spain after having worked abroad

You have worked abroad for several years and now you are working in Spain. You wonder how does the system of retirement pension work here in Spain if you didn't always worked here. On this article you will find the answer to all your questions!
Paula Morales Ramírez
October 2024

Can landlords raise the rent because of the CPI increase?

You are living in a rented house and suddenly your landlord tells you that he/she is going to raise your rent according to the CPI increase. Can he/she do that? You can find out the answer on this article.
María Claudia De Lucchi Palomares
September 2024

Ilegal occupation of Real Estate

You surely have heard the term "okupa" but do you know what does it really mean? Did you know there are different types of "okupas"? In this article, we will tell you about the most talk-about types of "okupas" and how you can deal with them.
Paula Morales Ramírez
September 2024